Coming soon
Underground Ernie
Underground Ernie is a Computer Animated Kids' television series shown on BBC and CBeebies Two by the BBC and produced by Joella Productions at Britain. It's put also a global underground network that was literary, in International Station, also targets the everyday adventures of Mr Rails, a friendly Russian manager, Millie, his colleague and Ernie the maintenance man that was adorable. The locomotives under Ernie's watchful eye have characters in their own. There Was Bakerloo, Victoria Jubilee and also the twins, City & Hammersmith. From time to time they are connected by their friends from throughout the world. Paris, Osaka, Moscow, Sydney and Brooklyn.
The series is targeted at kids between the ages of 8 and 3 years of age. The very first show has 26 episodes each. Its very first revealing on has been Monday 5 June 2006 on CBeebies.
The Producers of the series'Joella Productions' are trying to raise money to find another set of'Underground Ernie' . The Production prices for some string is #4 million.