Coming soon
Transformers: Animated
Transformers Animated is a tv series based on the Transformers toyline. The series debuted on December 26, 2007 on Cartoon Network, and has demonstrated an ability since February 2008 on NickToons at the united kingdom. It's Created by Cartoon Network Studios and animated by the Clear Answer Studio, MOOK DLE., and Studio 4°C. The series contains 42 episodes over three seasons. The European Jetix began to broadcast the series on September 10, 2008. The series began its air on April 3, 2010, on TV Tokyo and TV Aichi in Japan. The Western form of the cartoon was slightly rewritten to tie into Michael Bay's Transformers trilogy.
The series's goodwill is distinct from every previous Transformers series, despite having footage from the first series in its own first event as a historical picture. Being a Cartoon Network first series, the show was aired on Nicktoons at Jetix/Disney XD at the rest of Europe, the UK and ultimately, back in the states on The Hub in high definition.
Released: 2007-12-26
Duration: 23