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Tooned is an animated Animation by Sergio Pérez McLaren starring Jenson Button and comedian Alexander Armstrong. It aired before the beginning of each Formula 1 race on Sky Sports F1. The very first season, which starred former driver Lewis Hamilton beamed from your 2012 British Grand Prix onwards. The next season descends out of the 2013 Grand Prix onwards. All episodes can be observed on the Sky Sports F1 web site and also McLaren's YouTube station any time. The episodes are a bit over 3 minutes long. On the YouTube Channel of McLaren it had been announced on 16 May 2014 that a season 3 had been in advance. It had been announced when Jenson Button had been shown a picture of his 2014 teammate Kevin Magnussen's personality on Tooned and added that'the creation of Season 1 was moving well'.
Back in 2016 that a'one-off special',again starring to observe the 40th Anniversary of James Hunt winning the Driver's World Championship and Jenson Button, Alexander Armstrong,was produced,introducing Driver Fernando Alonso to Tooned's entire world!
Released: 2012-07-08