Coming soon
The Tom Green Show
The Tom Green Show is a North American tv show that first aired in September 1994 on Rogers Television 22, a community station in Ottawa, Ontario, until 1996, and was later found by The Comedy Network in 1997 and surfaced on February 1-3, 1998. The first season was 1-3 episodes. The next season of 13 episodes began on December 4, 1998.
Back in January 1999, the show moved to the United States and aired on MTV. Production ceased when Green was diagnosed with testicular cancer in March 2000, but continued to look on the station via re runs and other promotional materials. Back in 2002, it was ranked #41 on TV Guide's 50 Worst TV Shows of All Time. Back in 2003, the show had been revived since the New Tom Green Show. Back in 2006, Green launched a live show because of his website, Tom Green Live. Later renamed the House Tonight of Tom Green, the show occurs in his room.