Coming soon
The Smoking Room
The Smoking Room is a television sitcom compiled by Brian Dooley, who won a BAFTA in 2005 to the show. The first show, consisting of eight episodes, which was transmitted on BBC Three between 29 June and 17 August 2004. The Christmas Special was transmitted on 20. A second series of eight episodes began airing on 26 July 2005.
The BBC on 6 February 2006, released on DVD the first show, for example, Christmas Special and also on CD in a set on 4. The next show was released on 16. A set was released about the identical date.
There won't be considered a third string. In a meeting to the BBC News web site on 30 November 2006, the celebrity Robert Webb who plays Robin, said in passing,". . .there is Nomore Smoking Room". The smoking ban that prohibits smoking in offices of england, came into force on 1 July 2007, as a result which smoking rooms, such as the one in became prohibited.
Released: 2004-06-29