Coming soon
The Secret Saturdays
The Key Saturdays is the American animated television series created by cartoonist Jay Stephens to Get Cartoon Network. It surfaced at the United States, on October 3, 2008. The series follows the adventures of their Saturdays, a category group of cryptozoologists who work from becoming out, to keep the facts concerning cryptids, so as to secure both the race and also the creatures themselves. The Saturdays traveling the world looking for cryptids to study along with combating twisted villains such as the megalomaniac V.V. Argost. The series is affected by the design of'60s-era action collection that was Hanna-Barbera, also is combined with Jay Stephens' personal interest in cryptozoology. The show is now in reruns airing on Boomerang as of December 5, 2011 and finished its run. The Saturdays will also be set to come at Ben 10: Omniverse.
Released: 2008-10-03
Duration: 22
United States of America