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The Road Runner Show
The Road Runner Show was an animated anthology series That compiled theatrical Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner Animations from the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, That Are Made by Warner Bros.. Cartoons between 1966 and 1948. A number of the shorts, especially the ones made out of 1965 ahead were produced specifically for tv by Format Pictures after Warner Bros. closed their cartoon studio. The Road Runner Show ran for two seasons on CBS, then on ABC for two seasons. There were two Road Runner/Coyote animations during each installment, with another WB animated character from the middle segment.
CBS united The Bugs Bunny Show and the Street Runner Show in 1968. The Coyote and the Trail Runner commonly shared at an hour with Bugs Bunny on CBS throughout the mid-1980s to the early-1990s.
In Barbara Cameron wrote and played the theme song 1999 was included in the Mexican group Chicos de Barrio.
Released: 1949-09-17