Coming soon
The Mobile Cop Jiban
The Mobile Cop Jiban is a Japanese tokusatsu television set that serves as the 8th entrance in the metallic Hero franchise, and the first show. Directed by TV Asahi in Japan from January 2-9, 1989 to January 28, 1990 and produced by Toei, it ran for 52 episodes and a feature picture aired on July 17, 1989. As stated by Toei's International Sales &. Promotion Department, the' show' English title can be referred to. Created by Keita Amemiya, the premise for its show combines components from the 1970s tokusatsu Robot Detective and the movie Robocop.
The opening catchphrase of the show is:"This is the drama of a girl's and also a young man's hearts that like people and protect justice"
Released: 1989-01-29