The Aviators
The Aviators is an award-winning weekly television series featuring fly-in destinations, the aircraft, technology that is current and individuals. The show's site clarifies subject material the following:"We can require you behind the scenes to explain to you how air line pilots train, how airplanes are built, and how ATC works. We'll profile showcase aviation products and aviation businesses. We'll provide safety tips for recreational and private pilots and career tips for professional pilots"
The Aviators premiered on Saturday, September 4, 2010 on the Global Television Network. It will be distributed to each of 356 and may also be seen in Canada on CHEK-TV Public Broadcasting Stations for broadcast at numerous markets in the USA starting in September 2010. About September 1, 2010 the producers announced a deal had been signed by Discovery Channel Asia that saw the series broadcast over seas at the spring of 2011.
In the first six months almost 8,000 times aired across united states - an average of over 40 times each day. The Aviators launched on Hulu and was viewed over 32,000 days in two weeks. Manufacturers announced a few changes for season two involving country music singer George Canyon's accession to the cast as a host to the season. The existing season's premiere date is September 16, 2013. Production to get a fifth season has now begun, and is planned to broadcast in the united states at September 2014.