Coming soon
The Adventures of Batman
Batman's Adventures is an animated television show produced by the Filmation studios of Lou Schiemer. It highlighted the bat-man segments from Your Batman/Superman Hour, encircling the following animation from the fast flow of superhero stars of Filmation and sometimes divided by. A variant that was 30-minute that was Rebranded premiered as Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder. This variant was repackaged without the Superman and Superboy segments.
Tricky music cues that were striking and personalities offered a look to this edition of Batman and texture --by animation standards of the afternoon. The colors were vibrant and exciting if the cartoon was repetitive in places and a little rigid.
Olan Soule was the voice of Batman and so is likely best recalled for his job on that series, and more in the Filmation stable. Casey Kasem, the radio count down man in the 1980s, was the voice of Robin the Boy Wonder.
Batman and Robin would next appear in various variants of Super Friends, a The New ScoobyDoo Movies Cross over and The New Adventures of Batman in 1977.
Released: 1968-09-14