Coming soon
Tabitha is a American fantasy sitcom that aired during the 1977-1978 season on ABC. It is a spin-off of all Bewitched, which had ended its conduct. The show stars Lisa Hartman as Samantha, Tabitha and Darrin Stephens' daughter that premiered on Bewitched during its next season.
Like a manufacturing assistant working and living in Los Angeles, Tabitha is depicted in this sequence. The supporting cast includes David Ankrum as Robert Urich as a talkshow host who is Mel Stewart as Tabitha, and a sometime love interest for Tabitha Tabitha's brother Adam with whom she works and Adam's cranky but loveable boss. Unlike Bewitched, which had been struck ABC and aired for eight seasons, Tabitha failed to catch on with audiences and was canceled after a year.
Released: 1977-05-07