Coming soon
Star Driver
Star Driver known as Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto is just a 2010 Japanese anime television series created and animated by Bones. The series is led at Takuya Igarashi, with character designs by Yoshiyuki Ito and Misa along with Hiroka Mizuya. The anime began on MBS-TBS Sunday 5pm's prime time slot, replacing Sengoku Basara II. Aniplex of all America proved the initial episode at the 2010 Ny Comic Con/New York Anime Festival. Bandai Entertainment once licensed the series, however thanks to when Bandai stopped selling DVDs and blu ray disks February, licensing was cancelled by them with anime. Star Driver was one . Aniplex of America has licensed the series and was streamed with English sub titles on Hulu, Crackle, and on Crunchyroll starting on August 17, 2011. Shochiku released in Japan on February 9, 2013 A picture located in the series.
Released: 2010-10-03