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Rolie Polie Olie
Rolie Polie Olie was a children's television Show created by William Joyce, Maggie Swanson, and Anne Wood, distributed by Disney, and produced by Nelvana. The series focuses around a roly pollie who is made up of other shapes and spheres. The series was one of the first series which has been fully animated in CGI, and also the very first CGI animated preschool series.Rolie Polie Olie now airs in reruns on Disney Junior.
Rolie Polie Olie won a Gemini Award in Canada for"Best Animated Program" at 1999. The series also won a Daytime Emmy Award for"Outstanding Special Class Animated Program" at 2000 and 2005. William Joyce won a 1999 Daytime Emmy for Best Production Design for this particular series. The series features a atmosphere similar to the 1950s and early 1960s, using futuristic elements.
Duration: 22