Coming soon
Ragnarok The Animation
Ragnarok the Animation Is Just a Japanese/Korean animation Show based on the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. It was produced from the first quarter of 2004 and has been broadcast on television Tokyo of Japan. In Korea, it was broadcast on SBS Back in 2005. It's 26 episodes. This game's distributor ! Games, Inc., cooperated with ABS CBN Broadcasting Corporation for neighborhood licensing and distribution rights of Ragnarok the Animation. On January 22, 2007,'' FUNimation Entertainment announced the U.S. permit of Ragnarok to the internet site's Kickoff 07.
The story happens within the universe of Rune-Midgard. A wicked thing called the Dark Lord would like to create chaos on earth with the aid of seven crystals which represent.
Released: 2004-04-06