Coming soon
As Disney's Pucca is just a Canadian/South Korean television show based on a collection of shorts pucca, additionally known. The show revolves around 11-year-old Pucca, a girl who is in love and obsessed with a 12-year-old ninja called Garu. In Addition, it airs currently on Champ Vision and MBC in Korea. The show has been aired around the Disney XD station on Disney XD in other locales, Europe, and the USA.
The sequence itself began airing on television in 2006, with a couple of 26 episodes. Later it was ordered to be generated by Jetix Europe the next season of this show, consisting of 3 9 episodes, began airing in 2008. In total, for example the former on the web aired episodes of this show, this attracted the selection of created episodes to 117.
Released: 2006-09-08