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Police Academy
Police Academy: The Series, also referred to as Police Academy: The Animated Series, is now just a 1988 American animated television series on the basis of the Police Academy collection of films. The series was produced by Ruby-Spears Productions for Warner Bros.. Tv. Week days aired and continued two seasons.
Some episodes feature a crime boss. Prestige, girth, and his intellect are similar to the Marvel Comics character of the identical name. Other new characters were added to the series. Included in this were a set of talking authorities officers called the Canine Corps. They were made up of Schitzy, and Samson, Lobo Chilipepper. The theme song is performed by the Fat Boys who make an appearance in two episodes as the Friends of House: Mark, Cool and Large Boss.
He didn't appear in Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach City Under Siege, also Police Academy: Mission to Moscow, while the character of Carey Mahoney failed look in the series.
Released: 1988-09-10