Coming soon
Ox Tales
Ox Tales is an animated television series produced by Telecable Benelux B.V., Tele-Image Japan Inc. and Meander Studio in Conjunction with Saban Entertainment. It was a Japanese-Dutch co-production centered on a comic strip"Boes" created by Wil Raymakers and Thijs Wilms. The show ran on the network TV Tokyo in April 7, 1987--March 29, 1988. It is made of 102 1-2 minute episodes these were usually transmitted as double deliveries in 24 minute slots of 51 shows.
The show has been aired in many countries outside Japan and it has been dubbed and subtitled in English and other languages.
The storyline follows the adventures of Ollie that the Ox because The Funny Farm conducts, including possibly every monster understood.
Ox Tales continues to appear as a column strip in many Dutch daily and weekly newspapers.
Duration: N/A