Coming soon
My-HiME is a arcade series, developed by Sunrise. Written by Hiroyuki Yoshino and directed by Masakazu Obara, the series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005. The show is a comedy drama focusing on the lifestyles of HiMEs--girls with the capability assembled in Fuka Academy to get a intent that is principal.
The series was authorized for North American distribution by Bandai Entertainment and European supply by the European subsidiary, Beez of Bandai , together using all the first American DVD released by the End of March 2006. The Entire Collection DVD set was released by bandai on October 7, 2008 in America. It is also displayed on-demand on Anime Selects but just for a restricted time. At Otakon 2013, Funimation Entertainment had announced they have rescued the My-Hime Project anime all and will probably be re-released in 2014.
Released: 2004-09-30