Coming soon
My Boss My Hero
Sakaki Makio, known as"Tornado" is really a challenging 27-year-old high-school drop out. By academic standards, he is pretty dumb. His dad decides to force Makio to return to receive his degree and he also asks a older friend who appears to be the principal of a school to declare Makio. Boss' position is going to be awarded to his brother, Mikio if Makio does not graduate. Moreover he has to pose like a 17-year-old throughout school hours and at the presence of any professors or classmates outside of school. If his cover is blown, it would be the end of his high school career as well as his hopes to become boss. Things start out rough and demanding since Makio temper is analyzed. As days and the lessons go he sees there's studying and significantly more to school than tests.
Released: 2006-07-08