Coming soon
Mirage of Blaze
Mirage of Blaze is a sh?nen-ai light novel series by Mizuna Kuwabara, which can be published under Shueisha's Cobalt label. This had been adapted into an anime TV series led by Susumu Kudo at 2002 and an OVA at 2004.
Difficult to classify, Mirage of Blaze is supernatural vision , historical romance, and portions melodrama. Japanese history predominates a heavily ordered storyline, which mainly involves the aggression between magic with guardians, or even"possessors," and the denizens of an"feudal underworld," or the restless souls of long-dead samurai attempting to reignite ancient war on the contemporary plane.
The TV series and also the OVAs have been released in United States by Media Blasters, and also both have aired on Encore WAM and Encore Action.
Released: 2002-01-07