Coming soon
Mike, Lu & Og
Mike, Lu & Og is a classic animated television series produced. The show was the Cartoon Cartoon, predicated on a brief for What a Cartoon! Show. Created Mikhail Aldashin by Mikhail Shindel and Charles Swenson, the show follows a girl named Mike. Lu was named by a self appointed island princess. And also a. The trio takes part in various experiences as Mike and the natives of the island share their habits with each other. Twenty-six half-dozen episodes were produced, comprising two stories per episode. The series featured Nancy Cartwright as Lu, voice celebrities Nika Frost like Mike, and Dee Bradley Baker as Og. It began airing in May 2006 on Boomerang as reruns, even although it is often taken out of the schedule and put back on the frequent foundation on it.
Released: 1999-11-12