Coming soon
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
An American television series created by Haim Saban and Shuki Levy, the re-version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Started Broadcasting January 2, 2010, on ABC Kids, and concluded on August 28, 2010. The season was a re-broadcasting of approximately 1 / 2 of this primary season of MMPR, which had been broadcast in 1993, but Buena Vista Television added the footage and visual impacts, along with an opening sequence. Even though nothing beyond this concerning the television series was fresh, upon re purchase of the franchise from Haim Saban, it was formally officially considered the 18th season of Power Rangers with his new company Saban Brands until the pro motion for Power Rangers Megaforce which has since been termed the 20th year old. Netflix refers to the entire year number as"Particular 18".
Duration: N/A