Coming soon
Les Shadoks
Les Shadoks is an animated television series created by cartoonist Jacques Rouxel which caused a sensation in France when it was broadcast in 1968-1974.
Even the Shadoks occupied a twodimensional planet, were overrun by ruthlessness and stupidity and were bird like in appearance.
Another set of creatures from the Shadok canon will be the Gibis, who're the opposite to the Shadoks for the reason that they are intelligent but vulnerable and also inhabit a planet.
Rouxel asserts that the word Shadok gets some derivation out of Captain Haddock of Hergé's The Adventures and the Gibis are essentially GBs.
The Shadoks were also a significant literary, philosophical and cultural phenomenon in France.
The French occasionally use comparisons with all the Shadoks for policies and attitudes they believe absurd. The Shadoks were noted for mottos for example:
"Why do it the simple way once it's possible to get it done the hard way?"
"When one attempts always, one ends up succeeding. So , the more you fails, the greater the possibility it will work"