Coming soon
King's Game - The Animation
Nobuaki Kanazawa, that transferred to a high school a long way away, is afraid of getting intimate with his classmates due to the events which happened from his school. This led him to shut his heart. But he starts to open up during the class relay of the sport festival. He and all his classmates received an email from"King." In the beginning, his classmates did not take what they were told seriously, believing it's only a joke, but Nobuaki, the sole person that knows the actual meaning of this , fights against the"death" game which will soon begin...
The King's Game's principles are as follows:
Inch. All class members must participate.
2. The order delivered by King through email must be followed within a day.
3. A penalty is going to be awarded to people that do not stick to this order.
4. Preventing the King's Game is forbidden.