Coming soon
Kiba, an dream anime by Aniplex and mad house, began broadcasting on April 5, 2006 on TV Tokyo. The show is led by Hiroshi K?jina with Upper Deck Japan, a trading card game firm, as the main sponsor. The anime has been accredited by Upper Deck USA and produced by ADV Films for North American origin.
The show is far significantly more abusive than other trading-card-game-tie-in cartoons that have characters. According to an interview with the March 2006 issue of Animage, Hiroshi Kamishina, the show's director, noted that the series"definitely will not have any plot elements that curry prefer to kiddies". The producers of this series has also commented that Kiba will not be the sort of series to put"human play" on the back burner whilst concentrating on promotional tie-ins. ADV Films will be the distributor and their production division Amusement Park Media is producing the most dub while Upper Deck owns the rights to this set. Kiba aired on Toonami jet-stream in July 14, 2008 and it's now showing to the Anime Network's Video on demand service.
Released: 2006-04-02