Coming soon
Kappa Mikey
Kappa Mikey is an American animated sitcom created by Larry Schwarz, that chose 4Kids Entertainment as the official and licensing, promotion promotional material representative of this collection. The series is Nicktoons's very first original halfhour series, bought during exactly the exact same period as the other Animation Collective series including as Three Delivery and Speed Conditioning: The Next Generation, in addition to Flash shows from different studios, such as Edgar & Ellen as well as also The Secret Display, though the latter was made from BBC. The show premiered on January 6, 2006, since Nickelodeon aired several reruns and premieres being a promotional move out of August 20, 2006 to January 2007. The show it is currently available on iTunes, and is the initial international purchase of MTV.
Kappa Mikey was advertised as"the anime to be produced entirely from the United States", according to press releases from MTV, Nicktoons Network, and several other sources, since the term anime from English is normally reserved for cartoon initially created for the Western industry. It uses Japanese cartoon and culture as inspiration for its own theory, in the place of being"authentic" anime. The show is actually a homage/parody of Japanese anime. On February 16, 2008, in their"Music Week", Nicktoons Network aired their first and only original television picture, an hour-long Kappa Mikey musical entitled"Kappa Karaoke". Officially, the incident's name is"The Karaoke Episode".
Released: 2006-01-06
Carrie Keranen,