Coming soon
Hurricane Polymar is really a Japanese anime show. The series was created by Tatsuo Yoshida, who had produced many of Tatsunoko's series. Other romanizations of this name include Hariken Polymar, also Hurricane Polymer.
Hurricane Polymar is the identity of Takeshi Yoroi. He wears a suit which empowers him to fight crime. The suit is constructed of memory plastic which empowers him to assume almost any shape, for example morphing its wearer.
The manager of the International Secret Police Agency, onigawara, goes ahead to making Takeshi a criminal investigator. Takeshi has been presented with training, which turned him to an all-around sportsman in addition to martial arts expert. However, Takeshi's mentality toward crime-fighting was so incompatible with Onigawara's, that he was disowned by him. For some time Takeshi researched crime . He then became a private detective's helper and general handyman. However, Takeshi obtained that a fresh artificial aluminum. Takeshi transformed himself an invincible hero, to Hurricane Polymar.
Released: 1974-10-04