Coming soon
Horseland is an American animated series made by DIC Entertainment. It's just actually a mischief app following events in the lives of a group of kids riding at stables, an faculty and Horseland. Their experiences involve riding, and entering and raising their horses in contests. The show premiered as part of CBS Saturday morning cartoon block, KOL Secret Slumber Party on CBS on September 16, 2006. Concurrent with this set, the web virtual pet game that it was based upon has been updated to match the show by establishing a brand new"Junior variant" of this game based on the app and comprising its various characters and locations. After three seasons, the original encounter of the show stopped on CBS on September 19, 2009. This television was aired nationally to the electronic subchannel by reruns of Horseland. Each weekend aired until September, 2010. As of February 5, 2011 Horseland is part of Cookie Jar TV on CBS. It has 7 books for the show related to the episodes. The novels can be bought online.
Duration: 22
United States of America