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Hong Kong Phooey
Hong Kong Phooey is a 16-episode Hanna Barbera animated series that first aired on ABC Saturday on December 2 1, 1974. It was a parody of kung fu shows and movies of the moment.
The most important character Hong Kong Phooey is really just a clownishly clumsy secret alter ego of Penrod"Penry" Pooch, running in a police station as a"mildmannered" janitor below the warmth of Sergeant Flint. He transforms himself into Hong Kong Phooey upon running into a magical filing cabinet despite consistently getting stuck - and - Un-Stuck by his cat Position - as soon as transformed, gets outfitted using the"Phooeymobile" auto which transforms itself into a boat, a plane, or a telephone booth predicated on the conditions. He combats offense depended upon his copy of The Hong Kong Book of Kung Fu, but he succeeds only due to his cat Spot who provides a remedy to the challenges or they truly have been solved by himself as result of a comically unintended complication of his conscious efforts. Background was made by Lorraine Andrina along with Richard Khim.
Released: 1974-09-07