Coming soon
Hex is just a television program aired over the Sky One satellite station and developed by Shine Limited. The story is set in a remote English boarding school with a past. Series one investigates the unnatural relationship involving a Fallen Angel named a student and Azazeal called Cassie who is also a witch. From the second series the story centres around 500 year-old anointed one Ella Dee, also Azazeal's son Malachi. Both set of this series are currently available DVD, with the first series released in June 2007 on Region 1 DVD.
The series was cancelled after this second series' ending in April 2006.
The programme premiered in the USA on BBC America, sometime after, dividing the episodes. Whilst string 2 aired in the summer of 2007 series 1 aired in the summer of 2006.
Released: 2004-10-17