Coming soon
Gatchaman is a three-part original video animation (OVA) based on the most popular 1970s anime Gatchaman. It premiered through the mid-1990s in the United States and Japan. This edition of Gatchaman is place in the year 2066 at which the evil leader of Hontwall's nation is not threatening to take around the globe. Scientists from the International Science Organization are evaporating and only five teenage heroes, the Science Ninja team, could block the tragedy. The OVAs were accredited by Urban Vision through Harmony Gold USA and were published to VHS and DVD. In Anime Boston 2013, Sentai Filmworks had announced that they have rescued the OVA series in October together with the series to get a DVD re-release of the 1970. The series was made for streaming through Crunchyroll available.
The series was originally dubbed by Harmony Gold and Urban Vision, however, Sentai Filmworks confirmed that the OVAs will be redubbed to their up coming DVD and bluray rerelease to match the TV series dub that was uncut.
Released: 1972-10-01