Coming soon
Free Radio
Free Radio is a television Series, created Rory Rosegarten and by Lance Krall. The series originated on VH1, but has played on Comedy Central, along with Super Channel. It stars Lance Krall, notable because of Anna Vocino, and his character in The Joe Schmo Show, that starred About The Lance Krall Show Krall. The series centers on a dysfunctional radio channel. Krall plays DJ that is moronic flipped if the routine shock jock, Rip Rebel of KBOM, flaws to satellite radio. Lance finally gets his or her own show entitled Moron from the Morning. Celebrities guest star together with Lance, who regularly either does not realize they truly are or mixes them up together with celebrities on the atmosphere as themselves. The majority of the dialogue is improvised.
Starting on November 16, 2009, Re Runs of Free Radio started broadcasting on Comedy Central following The Colbert Report in the US. It's currently broadcasting in the Australian Comedy Channel.