Coming soon
Conan the Adventurer
Conan the Adventurer is an American-French-Canadian animated television series adaptation of Conan the Barbarian, the literary character created by Robert E. Howard in the 1930s. Produced by Sunbow Productions and jet lag Productions, the show ran for 65 episodes, debuted on September 12, 1992 and concluded November 22, 1993. Christy Marx who served as the sole story editor developed the show. The incident"A Needle in a Haystack", written by Jean Chalopin, is regarded as a lost incident, because it was never released on the whole DVD series for Australia which simply included 6 4 episodes" A Needle in a Haystack" was that the series's 33rd episode when it originally aired. It is uncertain why this incident was left from this group or the reason why this incident isn't really listed at the moment in most online sources.
The show had been produced in association with Graz Entertainment for its first 13-episode season. A B Productions along with Jean Chalopin's Créativité et Développement for its episodes. The show also spawned a small toy line in 1992. This incarnation of Conan in cartoon form performed much better compared to its follow up cartoon, Conan and the Young Warriors, which lasted just 13 episodes.