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Conan the Adventurer
Conan: The Adventurer is an American television show created, developed, financed, distributed and produced by Max A. Keller and Micheline Keller from 1997 to 1998 and broadly based on the dream hero Conan the Barbarian. The TV show premiered on September 22, 1997, and conducted for 22 episodes. The show was broadcast in over 150 countries throughout the universe. Keller Entertainment Group has been market and distribute the show and the show has got longevity among broadcasters and dvd aggregators. The show will be available on the internet. This series celebrities Ralf Möller as Conan of Cimmeria and Danny Woodburn. The narrative is rather different from the Conan lore generated in the original Conan books and short stories by Robert E. Howard, as well as that of the Conan early in the day depicted in the various Conan comic book series by Marvel Comics. The TV personality is centered on the version in the 1980s films, however there is no continuity between the films and TV series.
Released: 1997-09-22
Duration: 44
United States of America