Coming soon
Beakman's World
Beakman's World is an educational children's television show. The program is based on the Universal Press Syndicate comic strip You Can with Beakman and Jax created by Jok Church. The show premiered September 18, 1992 on the training Channel cable system and in syndication.
To CBS Saturday morning kids' lineup it transferred out of syndication on September 18, 1993. At the peak of its prevalence, it had been found in nearly 90 nations around the globe. The show had been canceled in 1998. After which it was moved to local channels such as KICU, reruns returned into syndication in September 2006. The show debuted before to Bill Nye the Science Guythat covered themes. Paul Zaloom, the show's sponsor plays in live appearances around the planet as Beakman.
Released: 1992-09-12
Duration: 22
United States of America