Coming soon
Babar and the Adventures of Badou
Badou's Adventures and babar is a 3 d animated kids' TV show that originated in line with the characters. The show has produced new personalities for example Badou, that is the nature of the series and Babar's 8-year-old grandson, to the Babar world. Nelvana and also TeamTO co-produces the show in affiliation with LuxAnimation, TF 1, YTV, and The Clifford Ross Company.
The English edition of the episode show premiered on September 6, 2010 at Australia on ABC2 as well as at Canada November 22, 2010. Vice President and Managing Director of Jumbo Pictures, also Nelvana Enterprises, Colin Bohm explained"Nelvana is eager to create Babar in to the 21st century using a brand new 3D TV series as well as a extensive licensing program in TF 1". On September 16, 2010, Nelvana Enterprises has confirmed that the show will premiere in the U.S. on Disney Junior. The show premiered on February 14, 2011.
Even though series features a majority of fresh characters original personalities remain though, such as Babar, Celeste along with Lord Rataxes, together with other personalities also entailed.
Released: 2010-11-22