Coming soon
Alf Tales
ALF Tales is an animated American show which ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays in August 1988 to December 1989. The series was a spinoff from the show ALF: The Animated Series. The series needed characters from this show drama characters from fairy tales. The fairytale was usually altered for effect in an manner relational to Fractured fairytales.
Each narrative on average spoofs a picture genre, including the"Cinderella" episode called an Elvis picture. Some episodes featured a"fourth wall" effect where ALF is backstage finding your way through the incident, and Rob Cowan would appear drawn as being a television executive to attempt and brief ALF on what to boost this event. For instance Cowan once told ALF who was searching for a medieval themed incident which"less than 2% of our audience resides from the Dark Ages".
Duration: 30
United States of America