Big Fish & Begonia
Beyond the human realm, there's just a race of beings that control the tides as well as also the shifting of the seasons. A new girl named Chun, one among the beings, seeks some thing more--she wants to experience the world! At this time, in order to learn more about the world that has her 23, she gets her chance and transforms to a marathon. But she soon finds it's a dangerous place and almost gets murdered in a vortex. Luckily, her entire life is spared after a new boy sacrifices himself to save her. Inspired by his kindness and courage, she uses magic to bring him back alive just to learn this power comes at a price that is serious. On a fresh experience, she'll need to make her own sacrifices in order to protect his soul until it is about to come back to the world.
Released: 2016-07-08
Duration: 101